Jim Meehan and his wife Marsha joined the Wethersfield Historical Society in 2006 after retiring from careers in Information Technology at The Travelers.
His interest in Thomas Hickey began with a casual conversation at an Elderhostel program and grew into a several month, part-time, investigative effort - the first real historical reading or research that Jim has done since college in the 1960's.
In addition to the historical society Jim is a member of the Men's Garden Club of Wethersfield where he edits the newsletter and writes a monthly column; The Wethersfield Beautification Trust where he moves dirt and pulls weeds; and (with Marsha) of WWUH - "Public Alternative Radio from the University of Hartford, 91.3 FM and wwuh.org" as members of the classical music staff.
He also writes essays for his Internet blog www.compostablematter.com.
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